Interface InspectOptions


  • InspectOptions


breakLength?: number
colors?: boolean
compact?: number | boolean

Setting this to false causes each object key to be displayed on a new line. It will also add new lines to text that is longer than breakLength. If set to a number, the most n inner elements are united on a single line as long as all properties fit into breakLength. Short array elements are also grouped together. Note that no text will be reduced below 16 characters, no matter the breakLength size. For more information, see the example below.



customInspect?: boolean
depth?: number



getters?: boolean | "get" | "set"

If set to true, getters are going to be inspected as well. If set to 'get' only getters without setter are going to be inspected. If set to 'set' only getters having a corresponding setter are going to be inspected. This might cause side effects depending on the getter function.



maxArrayLength?: number
maxStringLength?: number

Specifies the maximum number of characters to include when formatting. Set to null or Infinity to show all elements. Set to 0 or negative to show no characters.



showHidden?: boolean
showProxy?: boolean
sorted?: boolean | ((a: string, b: string) => number)

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