Function toUnicode

  • The punycode.toUnicode() method converts a string representing a domain name containing Punycode encoded characters into Unicode. Only the Punycode encoded parts of the domain name are be converted.

    // decode domain names
    punycode.toUnicode(''); // 'mañ'
    punycode.toUnicode(''); // '☃-⌘.com'
    punycode.toUnicode(''); // ''


    • domain: string

    Returns string

  • The punycode.toUnicode() method converts a string representing a domain name containing Punycode encoded characters into Unicode. Only the Punycode encoded parts of the domain name are be converted.

    // decode domain names
    punycode.toUnicode(''); // 'mañ'
    punycode.toUnicode(''); // '☃-⌘.com'
    punycode.toUnicode(''); // ''


    • domain: string

    Returns string

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