Function linkSymbols

  • Link a map of symbols to JavaScript functions

    This lets you use native libraries that were already loaded somehow. You usually will want dlopen instead.

    You could use this with Node-API to skip loading a second time.


    import { linkSymbols } from "bun:ffi";

    const [majorPtr, minorPtr, patchPtr] = getVersionPtrs();

    const lib = linkSymbols({
    // Unlike with dlopen(), the names here can be whatever you want
    getMajor: {
    returns: "cstring",
    args: [],

    // Since this doesn't use dlsym(), you have to provide a valid ptr
    // That ptr could be a number or a bigint
    // An invalid pointer will crash your program.
    ptr: majorPtr,
    getMinor: {
    returns: "cstring",
    args: [],
    ptr: minorPtr,
    getPatch: {
    returns: "cstring",
    args: [],
    ptr: patchPtr,

    const [major, minor, patch] = [

    This is powered by just-in-time compiling C wrappers that convert JavaScript types to C types and back. Internally, bun uses tinycc, so a big thanks goes to Fabrice Bellard and TinyCC maintainers for making this possible.


    • symbols: Symbols

      Map of symbols to load where the key is the symbol name and the value is the FFIFunction

    Returns Library

  • Link a map of symbols to JavaScript functions

    This lets you use native libraries that were already loaded somehow. You usually will want dlopen instead.

    You could use this with Node-API to skip loading a second time.


    import { linkSymbols } from "bun:ffi";

    const [majorPtr, minorPtr, patchPtr] = getVersionPtrs();

    const lib = linkSymbols({
    // Unlike with dlopen(), the names here can be whatever you want
    getMajor: {
    returns: "cstring",
    args: [],

    // Since this doesn't use dlsym(), you have to provide a valid ptr
    // That ptr could be a number or a bigint
    // An invalid pointer will crash your program.
    ptr: majorPtr,
    getMinor: {
    returns: "cstring",
    args: [],
    ptr: minorPtr,
    getPatch: {
    returns: "cstring",
    args: [],
    ptr: patchPtr,

    const [major, minor, patch] = [

    This is powered by just-in-time compiling C wrappers that convert JavaScript types to C types and back. Internally, bun uses tinycc, so a big thanks goes to Fabrice Bellard and TinyCC maintainers for making this possible.


    • symbols: Symbols

      Map of symbols to load where the key is the symbol name and the value is the FFIFunction

    Returns Library

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